About Me



Blessings and Welcome! My name is Tina. I am a Psychic Medium, Ribbon Reader, Oracle/Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual Adviser, and Reiki Practitioner. I started my journey with the spiritual world as a child through my writing. I had to write to get out all the characters running through my mind. Eventually, the unbelief of others and lack of spiritual guidance led me to block out my gift of connection to things unseen. After all, I have been told how overactive my imagination is.  But my intrigue never left me. I started reading Tarot at the age of 15. Once again, at the age of 23, I gave up reading the cards. No matter how hard I tried to disregard the gift, it kept coming back into my world. In 2016, I met a Medium who helped me rekindle my connection through Automatic Writing. I have been doing Readings, Events, Classes, Meditations, and Healings ever since. Thanks for visiting and taking a look around.



What is a Ribbon Reading?

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When I realized that my  intuitive gifts were a little different than most Psychic Medium’s in the area, I began researching and seeking out anything or anyone who could help me understand, well, myself. The road to self-discovery is a grueling one, and not one for the faint of heart.  Be ready for judgement from others, and yourself. I received many looks of confusion from family and friends when I decided to follow my calling as a Psychic Medium. And lets be honest, some of them think I am crazy. But people tend to judge the things the most that they don’t understand. And so I trudge along and continue with reading after reading. Not everyone  has this gift and so I feel obligated to share it with the world. I know this is what I am meant to do. I  cannot unsee the things I have seen.


While researching about how to read ribbons, I found a lot of information about Psychometry. Psychometry is when one can gain knowledge by touching an object connected to a person or event. This made sense to me. I could see how that could work for most people with intuitive gifts. But this wasn’t how I was connecting with the ribbons. Not at first anyway. For the most part, all the Ribbon Readers I could find read ribbons like this though. The ribbons are used like Tarot/Oracle cards, runes, tea leaves and so on. They are a tool for the intuitive person to connect with.  The client will pick ribbons from the readers selection of ribbons. The reader will then give a reading on the clients choices.



The ribbons came to me a little differently. I started seeing ribbons every time I connected with a new person. I wrote the ribbons down during every reading, but didn’t tell my clients because I was unsure of what they meant. I would see different colors. Some ribbons would be tied in a bow, some in knots, and others looked like they were waving in the wind. When a client would talk about a loved one I would see a new ribbon. Someone new walked into the room and I connected with their energy, I would see a new ribbon.





The ribbons represent the person. The color tells me a lot about them. I can tell you that when I see a red ribbon person, they are sassy, spunky, high-energy, passionate, loving, fun, charismatic and a creative kind of person. The more I am able to connect with the ribbon, the more I can tell you about that person. I give a ribbon to every one of my clients that either represents them, someone close to them, or a deceased loved one. I like to describe the ribbon first and then let the client tell me who it is. It makes me smile with amazement every time at how Spirit connects and validates.

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If you have had a Ribbon Reading from me, please comment below with your experience. Thank you!



What’s the big deal about a Full Moon/New Moon Ritual?

Good day to all of my beautiful Treasures! If you follow me on Facebook, I am sure some of you  may have noticed my continuous posts about each New Moon and Full Moon. There isn’t a phase of our magnificent Mother Moon that I miss. Astrologically, each moon phase has its own meaning and energy, but with each phase the power to manifest and let go of the things needed in our lives. With that being said, I would like to go into a little bit of detail in why I invoke and release during these two glorious phases of the Moon, the method I use, and a little poem I wrote dedicated to my ritual.


The New Moon           newmoon

The New Moon has energy that can help bring the things we desire into our lives. This is the time to plant seeds of intention. The New Moon gradually rises up to the Full Moon, making this energy extremely progressive. The New Moon is dark, like the seed being planted in the ground, the seed cannot see the light until it has slowly grown through the surface of the ground. Like the seed, the New Moon energy seems dim because of lack of light, but is actually bright and growing at rapid speeds.


The Full Moon

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The Full Moon carries energy that allows us to recharge. Purge old ideas and ways of thinking. It is a great time to cleanse Divination Tools, Crystals, and/or sentimental personal items. Just place your items under the light of the Full Moon and they will absorb its energy. This is a good moon phase to release things that are no longer serving you or others, to let go of past hurts, and release any negative ties you may have.


The Method


During each moon phase, I use the same method of invocation and release. I take a piece of paper and write down on one side all of the things  I need to let go of. Example: guilt, debt, unneeded weight, self-doubt, etc. On the other side, I write down three positive manifestations having do with each release. For example, I will release self-doubt and manifest what letting go of self-doubt will bring me which will be confidence, courage, and self-assurance. This method has worked wonders for me during both moon phases. I burn my paper in the flame from a white candle while the incense of sage and sweet grass I have going cleanse the space.


The Poem

I use for both the New Moon and the Full Moon.

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Thanks for reading!

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Written By: Tina Wierckz